Bangla No-9
- The Journey 00 Hrs 41 Mins
- The wandering soul 00 Hrs 31 Mins
- The quest for truth begins 00 Hrs 33 Mins
- Re-trace my trails 00 Hrs 30 Mins
- The truth buried inside 00 Hrs 36 Mins
- The revelation 00 Hrs 31 Mins

Cast And Crews
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Mizoram chhim lam thingtlang khaw pakhat daifémah chuan bangla no.9, chanchin mak leh dangdai tak mai nei chu a awm a. He bangla awmna khuaa cheng te tan chuan bangla no.9 chanchin mak leh râpawm tak chu an titi tui ber a ni. Chu banglaa khualzin riak thin te chuan mumang rapthlak tak tak an nei thin a. Tin, bangla leh a chhehvelah te chuan thâwm mak tak te an hriat thin bakah, thlâ an hmu thin niin an sawi a. Chung thil thleng thin te chu kum eng emaw zat liamtaa chu bangla bula thil thleng nia an sawi nen chuan inzawmna thûk tak a nei niin an sawi thin.
Tum khat chu bangla no.9 ah chuan tlangval pahnih hi an rawn riak ve ta a. An hmaa khualzin te thil tawn râpawm tak leh mangchhia te thleng chuan an rawn tawng ve ta a. Mahse, tlangval pahnih zinga pakhat zawk chuan, khualzin dang te ang lo takin, chu banglaa thil thleng leh nula thlâ niawm tak an hmuh thin te phênah chuan eng emaw tak inthup a awm q ring tlat a, a thianpa in ngaihven zui lo tura nasa taka a ngên chung pawhin chu tlangval chuan chung thil thleng zawng zawng phêna thil awm chu zawn chhuah ngei a duh ta tlat a. Hmasang Mizo te chuan mihring kan han thih hian, kan thlarau hi a dam laia a hna zawh loh te zo fel turin thla eng emaw zat chhung chu mihring te khawvelah a la châmbáng thin a, a hna a zawh fel hnuah mitthi khuaah emaw, pialralah emaw a kal chauh thin niin an ngai a. He kan pi pu te rin dan hi a tak tak a lo ni em ni ang le? Kha hmeichhe thlarau, bangla no.9 leh a kianga rawn inlar thin, thlarau vakvai khan mi nung te hnenah sawi duh eng emaw tak a nei em ni ang? Thudik zawn hna chu a intan ta...
On the outskirts of a small village in rural Mizoram, a far-flung region in North-East India, there is a Bangla (Bungalow) No.9, a rural-type motel with a bizarre and strange history. Inhabitants of the village where this bangla stood were gripped by an urban legend, the legend being that any travelers spending the night in the bangla were haunted by terrifying nightmares and events that is inextricably linked with something that had allegedly taken place there decades ago.
When two young travelers spent the night at the same bangla, they experienced the same horrors and mysteries experienced by by other travelers. But, unlike other travelers, one of them refused to let go of the nightmares and strange happenings and decided to investigate the reason that caused their terrifying experiences while staying at the bangla, against the advice of his friend and partner. Was there really something, presumably a secret waiting to be uncovered behind all those ghostlike silhouettes of a beautiful girl that they thought they had seen amidst all the horrors associated with bangla no.9? Mizo mythology has it that once a person dies, the soul lingers on earth for a few months to finish whatever things they had left unfinished during their lifetime, before they proceed to the city of the dead (mitthi khua) or to pialral, a Mizo concept of heaven. Could this myth be true? What was the real reason behind all those happenings? What may be the truth behind that wandering soul, lingering in and around bangla no.9? The search begins…